Japan's COVID Situation and Conformity Craze

Japan's COVID Situation and Conformity Craze

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 Japan's COVID Situation and Conformity Craze

Japan's COVID Situation and Conformity Craze

A big earthquake hit Noto Peninsula in Japan, starting the new year on a sad note. After the earthquake, many people, especially the elderly, had to stay in refuge centers. But things got even more strange because of Covid and flu cases. People had to follow weird rules, like keeping doors open in the cold and wearing masks even when sleeping.

Some folks found
the whole Covid situation so ridiculous that they made jokes about it. Comedian Woody Harrelson and the Babylon Bee website made fun of the CDC, Dr. Fauci, Pfizer, and others. Writers like Michael Lacoy and Oisín MacAmadáin also created funny stories to mock the Covid times. In Japan, a British man, using the name "Guy Gin," shared funny stories about the crazy things happening there. He said Japan's response to Covid was not mean, but it had some really silly ideas. A scientist named Hiroshi Nishiura made
predictions about Covid in Japan, but they turned out to be way off. To avoid the disaster, he predicted, Japan came up with strange ideas like "mask dining" and "silent eating." "Mask dining" means putting your mask on between bites while eating in public. "Silent eating" is exactly what it sounds like – you have to eat without talking. Some schools even treated kids like prisoners, making them watch cartoons on TV to stop them from talking.
A comic book by Moderna and an educational publisher told kids about mRNA technology, but it didn't mention the problems some people had after getting mRNA shots. Instead, it encouraged kids to become mRNA researchers. Live music places also had weird rules, like using partitions on tables, disinfecting everything, and limiting how much people could sing along. People followed these rules even when they were silly.
Wearing masks became a way to show good manners, especially for women. Many women didn't like it when people didn't wear masks, and not following mask etiquette was a common reason to end relationships. Some foreigners and even Japanese people made fun of the Covid situation. A manga artist named George Kataoka created comics making fun of the fear of the virus, the vaccines, and people's blind following of rules.

In Japan, the government and social pressure made it hard for people to stop the silly Covid rules, even when they were allowed to. It seems like people are afraid to go
against the flow, even if it's going the wrong way.

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